Quoted from Brian Weinstein: Eboué, New-York, Oxford University Press, 1972, pp. 233-57. Probably the best analysis of this particular moment for Éboué. I particularly wish to thank Brian Weinstein for offering me a copy in 2000 or 2001 since the book was no longer available in bookshops. For various reasons, writing of a French version was made impossible due to the material used: many of the French primary sources translated in English have been destroyed by moisture.

Most colonial officials in Africa had not heard the appeal of De Gaulle, and they did not know who he was anyway […] But immediately after 18 June most governors and military men in Africa expressed a determination to continue the war […] On 23 June Eboué telegraphed his response to one British message: “very happy to receive your message. I want you to know that resolution to continue the war on the side of Great Britain is certain but before taking action I must wait for the directives from Governor General […]

On 8 July […] (Eboué believed) that (Governor General) Boisson might decide to continue the fight […] Boisson […] said publicly that the group of colonies could not continue the war […] On 20 July Boisson arrived in plane in Fort Lamy. […] According to one account, at least one man wanted to shoot Boisson ; according to another, some urged Eboué to arrest him […] General de Gaulle and the British in London formally agreed that the French leader would proceed with the constitution of a French force consisting of volunteers […] The British guaranteed to provide this force with the same equipment used by their own armies […] De Gaulle sent three men on a mission to Africa on 5 August. They were Commandant Leclerc […] René Pleven […] de Larminat […] and Colonna d’Ornano […]

On 26 August the European population was

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