Three case studies on a three page PDF file with 20 questions including the preparation of a classroom debate on supranational institutions, the enforcement of the rule of law and national sovereignties.
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Clio Lycée > Three Case Studies on the European Integration Before the EU: The Customs Union of Benelux, The Council of Europe and the The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), 1948-50
Three case studies on a three page PDF file with 20 questions including the preparation of a classroom debate on supranational institutions, the enforcement of the rule of law and national sovereignties.
Hist.-géogr. ens. biling., charges de cours occas. dans le sup. (sc. po, URCA) ; ressources éduc. : Candace (2001); Esclavage (1998); Pennybank (1999); ressources « Éduquer contre le racisme » (MEN-CANOPÉ, 2016); auteur de History-Geography, Vocabulaire, outils, méthodes, Hatier, 2013, 161 p. (termes spécif. inconnus des dict. de langue pour lycée, sup. et formation ens. DNL). Chercheur associé au CERHIC-EA 2616 (URCA) : Représentations du racisme et de l'antiracisme en …
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Caroline Leininger-Frézal et Sylvain Genevois
Mardi 4 Mars 2025 à 11H30
Inscription jusqu’au 3 mars à 20h00
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