Theme 1: Weaknesses of the democracies, totalitarianisms and World War 2

Chapter 1: The impacts of the stock market crash of 1929: economic and social imbalances

Irving Fisher stated in early 1929: “There may be a recession in stock prices but anything in the nature of a crash”. Irving Fisher (1867-1947) was an American economist often depicted as “the greatest economist the United States has ever produced”. Few months later, his reputation would be irreparably damaged by this statement. After the War America emerged as the world leading economy. In the aftermath of WW1, the US economy blossomed driven by large-scale consumption of consumer goods and mass-production of standardised items. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 ended the era as the Great Depression brought years of hardship worldwide.

What happened in Wall Street in late 1929? How did the consequences of the stock market crash shape economy and society in the United States in the 1930s?


Une leçon pour aborder en SELO ou en DNL en Terminale l’impact de la crise de 1929.  La leçon mêle des activités orales et écrites ainsi qu’un travail méthodologique pour se préparer à l’épreuve orale du baccalauréat.

En documents attachés, plusieurs fichiers qui sont proposés dans un format ouvert afin de permettre leur modification par l’utilisateur :

  – 1 fichier leçon

– 4 fichiers d’activités :

  • handout 1: ID cards: key figures of the stock market crash of 1929
  • handout 2: Fall 1929: the Wall Street stock market crash
  • handout 3: Roosevelt’s fireside chats
  • handout 4: Poverty in the US during the Great Depression

– 1 fichier pour une activité « extra » : To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee (literature)

– des fichiers de correction pour certaines activités

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