Theme 2: The State in the early modern period: France and Britain

Chapter 2: The British model and its influence

By 1775, British colonies in North America ran from Hudson Bay to Florida. The development of the colonies had been hugely successful. At the start of the 18th century, the English colonies on the Atlantic Coast had a population of barely 250,000 (not counting Native Americans). By 1775 the figure had jumped to 2,500,000, a tenfold increase in the span of a lifetime, with only 3,5% of the total population living in cities. The number of African Americans grew even more from 28,000 in 1701 to 500,000 in 1775. The gains in population were the result of immigration and sharp natural increase caused chiefly by a high birth rate among colonial families. The fertile American land attracted thousands of new European settlers each year. The British American colonies enjoyed a large political freedom and were far more democratic than Britain. Americans seemed closely bound to Britain by ties of interest and affection. But British actions after 1763 loosened those ties, American colonists vigorously resisting British efforts to tighten control over them. 12 years of tensions led to the likelihood of armed revolt.

What caused the American colonists in the 1760s to become as John Adams expressed it, “more attentive to their liberties”? How the American Revolution gave birth to the United States of America?


Une étude de cas pour aborder en SELO ou en DNL en 2nde l’indépendance américaine. La leçon mêle des activités de compréhension orale, écrite et des travaux de recherche sur différents aspects civilisationnelles (évolution du drapeau américain et hymne national)

En documents attachés, plusieurs fichiers qui sont proposés dans un format ouvert afin de permettre leur modification par l’utilisateur :
– un fichier leçon

– 9 fichiers activités

– quelques éléments de correction


Lien vers la video Youtube de l’hymne national américain chanté par Lady Gaga lors du Superbowl L :



On peut utiliser également de façon utile pour illustrer la leçon quelques extraits de la série documentaire de la chaine de TV publique américaine PBS : Liberty!

Les Clionautes multi-écran

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